Our solutions for your process
With our modular extraction systems and customised extraction solutions, we offer tailor-made extraction systems for almost every industrial process. Whether dust, shavings, fumes or emulsions - we find the ideal solution for every application to keep the working environment clean and safe.
Examples of other processes
- Honing: Honing produces fine dust and particles that are captured by targeted extraction to keep the working environment clean and protect the health of employees
- Lapping: Lapping processes generate fine abrasive residues, which are removed by effective extraction systems to ensure the quality of the end product
- Gluing: Gluing can release vapours and particles, which are captured and filtered by special extraction systems to create a safe working environment
- Shredding: Shredding materials produces chips and dust that are reliably removed by powerful extraction systems
- Drilling: Drilling produces chips and dust that are captured directly at the source by effective extraction to ensure the cleanliness and safety of the working environment

The compact welding fume filters of the DUSTOMAT DRY series are suitable for almost all applications due to their versatile configurations. Ideal for welding, soldering and lasering.
Energy-efficient wet separator ideal for welding fumes as well as metal dusts and work processes with flying sparks.
TK series
Mini dust collector for occasional use with processing machines or workbenches.
DUSTMAC P series
Cartridge filter systems for extraction of dry, granulated and non-explosive dusts.
360° extraction table
Rotating extraction table for connection to a fan or an extraction system.
Powerful oil mist separators for extraction of vapours, aerosols, and mist particles.
Extraction arms
For capturing welding- and soldering fume, gases, vapour and dusts. Connection to extraction system or fan possible.
Plasma cutting table
Plasma cutting table with water pans for separation and plasma cutting processes.
ProductdetailsOther applications
Our extraction solutions are also suitable for numerous other processes to capture and filter dust, shavings, fumes and emulsions. We offer tailor-made systems that are precisely matched to the specific requirements of each individual process.
Why our extraction solutions?
- Modular and flexible: Our extraction systems have a modular design and can be flexibly adapted to different requirements
- Highly efficient: Our systems guarantee high efficiency in the collection and filtration of pollutants
- Customised: We offer customised solutions that are precisely tailored to the needs of your process
- Safety and health protection: Using our extraction solutions makes the working environment safer and healthier
Regardless of the process - whether honing, lapping, gluing, shredding, drilling or many others - we offer the right extraction solution. Our modular and customisable systems ensure a clean and safe working environment, increase efficiency and protect the health of employees. Invest in high-quality extraction systems and secure the future of your production.
We can adapt our exhaust installations to your needs. Tailor-made, modular and individual. Ask us!