Extraction systems for grinding, brushing & polishing
Grinding, brushing and polishing surfaces such as metals and plastics produce fine dust emissions that pollute the working environment and can be harmful to health. These processes are essential in many industrial applications, but also pose significant challenges in terms of air quality and cleanliness. Powerful extraction systems offer an effective solution for capturing and filtering these dusts to ensure both the health of employees and the cleanliness of production areas.
Grinding, brushing and polishing: Precise surface finishing
Processing surfaces by grinding, brushing and polishing is crucial for giving workpieces the desired shape and surface quality. In the process, materials are removed and fine dust is released, which can quickly become a problem without suitable extraction systems. Especially when grinding and polishing metals and plastics, capturing and filtering the dust produced is essential.

The compact dust extractors of the DUSTOMAT DRY series are suitable for almost all applications due to their versatile configurations. Extraction of dry and free-flowing dusts and chips.
Energy-efficient wet separator ideal for welding fumes as well as metal dusts and work processes with flying sparks.
Dustomat 4
Energy-efficient all-rounder: Can be used as a mobile dust extractor for dust and shavings or as a welding fume filter for welding fume.
Mobile dust extractor for single workstation extraction of dust and shavings on machines and handwork stations.
Mobile dust extractor for extraction of different dusts, such as mineral dusts.
TK series
Mini dust collector for occasional use with processing machines or workbenches.
DUSTMAC P series
Cartridge filter systems for extraction of dry, granulated and non-explosive dusts.
RG series
Extraction fan with medium-pressure fans for extract-only operation without filtration.
RG series with extraction arm
Extraction fan incl. extraction arm for extract-only operation without filtration.
RG series with dust filter bag
Simple, effective filter system for extraction of dusts and shavings.
Central Car Cleaning System 2.0
Central vacuum cleaning system for car washes, petrol stations and car dealerships.
Filter Cyclones
Filter cyclones are ideal for continuous operations thanks to the long lives of their filters.
Extraction arms
For capturing welding- and soldering fume, gases, vapour and dusts. Connection to extraction system or fan possible.
Modular welding fume filter system for large volumes of air up to 120,000 m³ / h.
360° extraction table
Rotating extraction table for connection to a fan or an extraction system.
Mobile and quiet high-vacuum dust extractor for precise extraction on handheld power tools.
ProductdetailsATEX and aluminium and titanium dust
ATEX stands for ‘ATmosphères EXplosives’ and relates to EU guidelines on safety in potentially explosive atmospheres. Flammable aluminium dusts and titanium dusts can form explosive mixtures in combination with air, especially with particles smaller than 500 µm. A careful risk analysis is therefore essential. Many ESTA extraction systems are also available in an ATEX version as an option. This means they are also suitable for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Zone 22).

Health protection through effective dust extraction
Fine dust produced during grinding, brushing and polishing can penetrate deep into the lungs and cause serious health problems. Many of these dusts are toxic and therefore require special extraction systems that are able to effectively filter even the smallest particles. This not only protects the health of employees, but also contributes to compliance with statutory health and safety regulations.
Benefits of modern extraction systems for grinding, brushing and polishing
- Efficient dust capture: High-performance extraction systems capture and filter fine dust directly at the source
- Health protection: Reducing harmful emissions significantly improves the air quality in work areas
- Cleaning and maintenance: Clean production areas and machines extend the service life of the devices and reduce maintenance costs
- Flexibility: Extraction systems can be customised to suit different materials and machining processes
- Customised extraction solutions for different materials
ESTA offers customised extraction systems that are specially tailored to the needs of grinding, brushing and polishing. Whether metal, plastic or other materials - our extraction systems guarantee maximum efficiency and safety.
Modern extraction systems are indispensable for companies that prioritise health protection and efficiency when grinding, brushing and polishing. They offer an effective solution for reducing fine dust emissions, protect the health of employees and ensure clean working environments. Invest in high-quality extraction systems and ensure a dust-free and productive future.
We can adapt our exhaust installations to your needs. Tailor-made, modular and individual. Ask us!